“Please, please, please give me easy hair. Give me hair I can do. I don’t have a lot of time for styling in the morning. I don’t want to put a whole bunch of junk in my hair to make it look decent. I don’t want to spend a half hour monkeying around with irons and curlers…I hate hair spray. I just want something that can look great with minimal styling. “
I used to fight the good fight. I used to spend a lot of time trying to talk people into looks that would be amazing on them if they’d just put in a little effort. I’d come back from a hair show fired up with a crazy new cutting edge color and want to be the guy who introduced it the the Seattle crowd. I used to try to get “easy style” people to go all “L.A./New York”. And they’d leave my chair looking sensational…. for the day. But you know what? I was missing the boat. Over the years I started to press less for edgy and listen more… I’ve learned a lot since then.
Seattle is a place of difficult weather to say the least. It’s wet….A LOT. It’s got like… 10 different kinds of wet each with a different effect on hair. It’s complicated and women around here by and large are busy, active and natural. They don’t wear tons of makeup, they don’t generally do their nails and they could really care less what’s happening on the runways of Milan and Paris. Seattle hair has to be versatile, it has to be natural and most of all it has to be easy…. and that’s ok. Seattle girls know looking great doesn’t require a bunch of externals. They’re down to earth and they know that at the end of the day even the guys don’t want a girl who’s constantly fussing with their hair.
I’ve spent decades now perfecting haircuts and hair colors for Seattle that do one thing… they work. They work on rainy days and on sunny days, they work with lot’s of product and with minimal product… often they work on the 2nd or even 3rd day as well. I cut hair and create color to fit head shape, hair flow, body type and facial structure. I go where the hair wants to go because I’ve founds that’s how to create the best, consistent style for you, the client.
If you want a hot shot cutting edge style with crazy color and a run way look I’m just gonna be real honest here and tell you you’re probably better off going to Seven or Vain. Those places are dynamite particularly for the 20 something set that’s always wanting to play with the latest thing. If on the other hand you’re looking for hair that works with your life style… for color that is subtle, nuanced and natural… for a look that is at once contemporary, classic and doable….. Hair By Joey may be the perfect fit you’ve been looking for. Why not book you’re cut, color or free consultation today? To talk to me direct call 206-228-5639 or to book just click here!